Findviewbyid returns null. java package is the same as the fragment file's package.


News / Articles / Talks / Tools / Open source! Basically, the cause is that a textview is null because findViewById returns null. findViewById() Returns null from within a fragment - Android. name); always returns null. Note: My github does not contain the source with this problem, please go to the anddev thread and download it from there. Now I've looked at solutions for people having the null return problem but people are suggesting that setContentView must be executed May 25, 2022 · The findViewById() method accepts only one parameter, which is the id of the view with int type reference: @Override public < T extends View > T findViewById ( @IdRes int id ) { return getDelegate (). Ask Question Asked 10 years, 11 months ago. Jun 29, 2013 · I'm writing some code for Android, the matter is that, when I call findViewById it returns me null, and I cannot understand why! I've been wasting my brain since yesterday, but I cannot figure out the solution. Jul 14, 2012 · The Android Developers reference lists R. public CameraSurfaceView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {. 3, mContent = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R. I don't think I need to include R. Android: Findviewbyid() returns null. Hot Network Questions How to get this fencing wire at a [somewhat] equal tension Jul 1, 2020 · In OnCreate(), you'll have to call FindViewById() on navigationView. NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android. using findViewById(R. How can I get a reference for this view, please? Sep 13, 2016 · FindViewbyId always returns Null in Fragment. Oct 25, 2019 · For some reason when I use findFragmentById() to reference a SeekBar view created with a databinding it returns a null object. 2. Sep 11, 2015 · View. FragmentStatePagerAdapter getItem not called. On the second time, the v. display_name); returns null. ListView. Modified 10 years, 1 month ago. findViewById(R. Thanks for the reply ibrahim. Always returns true. getContext()) . findViewById() does not. it just doesn't make any sense. How to fix FindViewByID returns null in android studio? Jul 24, 2014 · Android fragment - findViewById returns null [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 9 years, 10 months ago. Ask Question Asked 13 years, 2 months ago. The goal is to set a layout as a header for a listView. This also returns null. findViewById ( id ); } May 9, 2018 · Caused by: java. This is the code for the Dialog. 但是没搞定。 The button code should be moved to the PlaceholderFragment() class. I find this really weird, considering that it works 99% of the time and there is no reason why it wouldn't work. I read the related topics. contacts_list_view) returns null – Stack Overflow. findViewById() in Fragment returns null. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. from(parent. CameraView. But the itemView, which I inflated from. id. BackButton). getItemId()). Android findViewById for toolbar returning null. protected Apr 20, 2018 · Why does my findViewById return null here swipeRefreshLayout = findViewById(R. 5. GetHeaderView(0) to get any Views in the NavigationView header. I would really appreciate it if someone help with this problem. May 12, 2014 · findViewById return null using parameter of OnClick method of OnClickListener interface. home) - be it onCreate, be it onClick of a custom button - I get null. It takes a little bit for those to be loaded and attached to the Activity's hierarchy, so calling FindViewById() on the Activity there will return null. The method is used to find an existing view in your XML layout by its android:id attribute. Aug 13, 2014 · The Activity or ViewGroup's findViewById() method returns a view that already has an id. 0 Feb 14, 2015 · You need to declare the attribute android:id for those views that you would like to access in your code. Now when I try to run app, findViewById applied to those 2 NavigationHeader buttons returns NULL. EditText et = (EditText)findViewById(R. After that i want to set the text of that textview but it findViewbyid returns a null value. public class CropImageView extends FrameLayout { private ImageView mImage Jun 2, 2014 · Android: Findviewbyid() returns null Hot Network Questions Looking for the title of a short story for my students to read about a woman searching for the last man alive findViewById returns null on an <include> view. findViewById giving NullPointer exception in onCreate method. I'm using ActionBarSherlock, if that would make a difference. Jun 20, 2015 · Calling findviewbyid for Main GridLayout returns null. But returns the proper object on the onOptionsItemSelected function. Custom View children are null after inflating the view in Android. 3. Here is my code : public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { Mar 1, 2017 · Why findViewById() return null for a view in a drawer header? 0. Everytime I call viewpager = (ViewPager)findViewById(R. findViewById returning null in Dec 23, 2013 · findViewById returns null for custom ImageView using a handler class. I used the debugger and it seems root. View view = inflater. findViewById is a method of the View class that searches for views that match the given ID. Here is xml file for item: I do favButton = (MenuItem) this. findViewById(id); } Aug 27, 2013 · Welcome to another findviewbyid() returns null question!. videoView) always throws back NullPointException errors. View itemView = LayoutInflater. Having trouble with findViewById - returning null. It returns the view with the corresponding ID or null if no matching view is found. icon resource. "Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android. textView1); starts returning null. – view. how else can I load data into the list, and what is wrong here? Jul 3, 2016 · In android when I try to use the getIntent(); method in android, it returns null,which is causing the application to crash. Sep 13, 2015 · It returns you null because your layout does not contain TextView with android:id="@+id/article" attribute. Mar 31, 2015 · I think you make some confusion about View and layout resource. recyclerViews) must not be null. Ask Question Asked 13 years, 3 months ago. Here's the Java 一. Dec 11, 2021 · It can return null if the view id you passed in does not reference a view in the current view hierarchy. See codes below: onlineGame. Why is it? This question has been asked before here, most times regarding ActionBarSherlock (which I am not using). I remind that everything till niw worked fine. findViewById(int)' on a null object reference The info_btn. Aug 24, 2022 · I have a Utils class file and I am passing the current Activity into that class. My thinking is that by the time the onClick() is invoked, the view has been destroyed, or something similar. xml &lt;?xml versi findViewById returns NULL when using Fragment. without fragment the code works fine. Viewed 8k times Part of Mobile Development Dec 8, 2013 · (ProgressBar) findViewById(R. Viewed 1k times Jun 25, 2014 · I have layout file custom_lock. However now I need to use it in a fragment, and I haven't been able to implement it correctly. eg. When you try to access a view ID before it’s inflated, findViewById won’t be able to find it. Oct 4, 2017 · On investigation, I found out that the code in BottomNavigationItemView. btn_checkout); My res/layout/main. I have inflated the view and have attempted a lot of fixes, but none work. In your case, I have two activity_main. somehow the findviewbyid method return null but i dont know why. Working with fragments I have searched and searched and tried everything I've found to solve this issue to no avail for the past several days. I have no idea why. Apr 30, 2023 · I am getting findViewByID returns null while running android application. findViewById返回空指针的解决方法_重拾旧梦_百度空间. xml layout simply contains Button widget like so: May 9, 2013 · FindViewByID returns null for CustomView. android - findViewById NULL under using Fragment. ivDrawerUserFace), which returns null instead. 'LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R. locationT); Nov 28, 2017 · findviewByid returns null for listview. It seems like I'm randomly getting null return from findViewById(). What I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance. mytrans)' returns null. findViewById (int) in Activity cannot be applied to (int, android. text. Working with Google Maps. Viewed 5k times Feb 4, 2015 · My findViewById() returns null, but it shouldn't. – TNR. anyone please? This would be my XML: findViewById returns null for EditText Java Code: public class MainActivity extends Activity { private EditText editText; /** * Called when the activity is first created. Any way to achieve a Jun 10, 2016 · findViewById can always be null, if you try to find a view that doesn't exist in the current layout. Here is HomeActivity: Apr 22, 2021 · Xamarin Adapter FindViewById returns null. When you inflate a layout, the layout is not in the UI yet, meaning the user will not be able to see it until it's been added. Powered by: Project-Clean. ScrollView dos not work. Viewed 5k times Mar 31, 2021 · Description When run multiple tests findViewById returns null, but searched views exists in hierarchy but with different id Robolectric & Android Version robolectric: 4. Second, the id on the <include> overrides the id of the root View in the included layout, so the CardView is ending up with ID tipViewCardLayoutContainer. However, I am able to find it by the following code: However, I am able to find it by the following code: Dec 16, 2009 · view. g. This would be wrong. It's part of fragment's article_view. findViewById is returning null when it is there in onCreate . Please see the code below. Modified 9 years, 8 months ago. Aug 15, 2018 · As @Declan Nnadozie already mentioned: btnYES = findViewById(R. findViewById might return null if the View's was declared gone inside the layout file (android:visibility="gone). I have tried searching but have only found the solution to add a view to findViewById() but I already have that. However, findViewById seems to return null when the code is in onCreate(), onResume() or onStart(). findViewById returning null (once again) 0. findViewById returning null in fragment. FragmentIteam) returns null. and then, if you check the detailed content of the R file, you will find the id has not generate, and then, what you need to check, if there are something wrong with your own /res file, for example, the name of the . Mar 20, 2011 · If some branch of the view hierarchy contains many elements with the same id, and you call findViewById() from the root of that branch, it will return null because it doesn't know which one you want. Hot Network Questions In John's gospel, Jesus says he cannot do anything of himself but only what God tells him Dec 14, 2014 · findViewById returns null for action_bar_title. Sometimes it just gives null exception. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 8 months ago. Delete folder gen. It can return null if the view id Trying to getView(). For debugging purpose, I have tried the XML file found on the official Use getView() or the View parameter from implementing the onViewCreated method. NullPointerException when calling findViewById() to get a Fragment's Aug 27, 2012 · when i try to set the text of an textview i get a nullpointerexception. contacts_list_view) returns null all the time! Don't know what else to do. java package is the same as the fragment file's package. Apr 16, 2014 · EditText x = (EditText) view. java is trying to access a null ImageView inflated with R. Navigating native to forms in Xamarin gives null reference exception. list) returns null. v4. findViewById(androi May 17, 2018 · FindViewByID returns null on nested views Hot Network Questions What is a word/phrase that best describes a "blatant disregard or neglect" for something, but with the connotation of that they should have known? Mar 8, 2016 · I don't know why I can't find the ImageView by findViewById(R. Modified 9 years, 4 months ago. Sep 29, 2013 · findViewById() returns a View if it exists in the layout you provided in setContentView(), otherwise it returns null and that's what happening to you. – bigstones Feb 28, 2013 · I basicall have an AsyncTask (run from main Activity) that populates a ViewPager inside a fragment. There is also an abomination of a method called requireViewById which returns a non-null Nov 24, 2022 · Why findViewById returns null? Let’s start with the basics. getLayoutParams(); where mIcon is null and has been inflated as. @CommonsWare solution to a similar post is to Wait until onFinishInflate(). Cannot find if a view is not visible on screen in a ScrollView. As pointed out by @danca, you need to call findViewById from it's Fragment or Activity. I read already the other threads, including this. How to get the android xml view element id attribute Dec 13, 2019 · Explanation. findViewById() returning null. It would end up like this While other time during debug it would return null. Oct 30, 2012 · Why does findViewById return null on an inflated layout in a robolectric-unit-test? 84. I believe I have narrowed down the issue to findViewById returning null or somehow R. R. 1 Jun 28, 2014 · At runtime, either the rect or round layout will be inflated based on the shape of the screen, so findViewById(R. Why is this? Apr 16, 2016 · findViewById() returns null value in the sliding navigation drawer [closed] Ask Question Asked 8 years, 3 months ago. May 6, 2012 · I'm new to Android developing and of course on Fragments. main_layout, null); Jul 16, 2010 · FindViewById can be null if you call the wrong super constructor in a custom view. swipeRefreshLayoutDashboard);?. But, when i change it to onClick function, it works fine Dec 16, 2009 · Did you pull your pants down then try? It worked for me last time Dec 27, 2012 · Why do I always (FrameLayout) findViewById always returns null? The file exists. findviewbyid is giving null. getText()' on a null object reference". So somehow it get compiled and when you run Apr 3, 2014 · 返回为null。 【解决过程】 1. I'm working on my first android app and for the life of me cannot figure out why findViewById returns null in this case. 9. Dec 31, 2014 · Apart from that, whenever I try to call findViewById(android. It returns the root view for the fragment (the one returned by onCreateView() method). Modified 9 years, 10 months ago. I already tried using . So automaticcally resolving into a nullpointerexception. if you want to get layout as View,you can do it like this: LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater(); View layout = inflater. Viewed 19k times The call to getView() will return non-null after onCreateView() and before onDestroyView(). widget. I want to access the controls of my fragment in main activity but 'findViewById' returns null. Modified 10 years, 8 months ago. 0 (ImageView)findViewById() always returns null. 0 Android - findViewById does not work. The problem is that I can't get pointers to the views inside the layout (imageview, textview) so that I can change then at runtime. lang. Its driving me nuts. findViewById returns null in RecyclerView Adapter [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 4 years, 9 months ago. The Problem is that EditText firstName = (EditText) findViewById(R. username_edit); Here is the code in its entirety. NullReferenceException. Yet, when I issue (in my activity class) the statement: View pv = getWindow(). Nov 15, 2015 · NavigationHeader has 2 buttons - 1 starts LoginActivity and 2nd RegisterActivity. */ @ Feb 28, 2014 · I've coded professionally for many many years in other languages, but I'm pretty new at Android and I'm learning a lot from sites like stack overflow. hellomoon_videoView is resolved since my R. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 1 month ago. I make viewHolder object and load in my textview using findViewById. Jun 17, 2013 · findViewById returns null on inside views of include. findViewById returns an instance of View, which is then cast to the target class. And gues what findviewbyid() returns null. LayoutParams iconParams = (LayoutParams) mIcon. But it did not solve my problem as I am May 7, 2015 · [Edit: To elaborate on the "subtle bugs" note in this response: If you check device orientation with WindowManager. 参考: android – getActivity(). Problem is when I try to access the elements of the layout from MainActivity. Dec 11, 2013 · Now, sorry for the long post, some of it might be unnecessary, but the problem is that on the first snippet, getActivity(). xml. LinearLayout mapsT = view. That is strange. inflate(R. videoView is null (despite being properly connected to an int). I have tried logging the activity that is being passed into the Utils class, and to my eyes it appears like the right activity, so I am not sure why it is failing. . Recompilation does not change anything. article_view, container, false);; article = (TextView) view. Here is HomeActivity: FindViewById(Int32) Finds the first descendant view with the given ID, the view itself if the ID matches #getId(), or null if the ID is invalid (< 0) or there is no matching view in the hierarchy. I apologize if I have mislead people, I am referring Apr 24, 2012 · I want to load layout for a single tab from xml file which I definded. R. May 4, 2013 · I have problem using the findViewByID methond in a fragment. Commented Jan 16, 2013 at 14:45. Android: findViewById returns null. icon); findViewById returns null. If I do findViewById outside the onCreateView with either getActivity() or getView(), it returns null and my app crashes. This is my code: MultipleVideoPlayFragmentActivity. Nov 7, 2009 · The findViewById() method sometimes returns null when the root of layout has no android:id attribute. textView works fine (it returns the correct int) , but view. 自定义控件 findViewById返回为null 首先讲一个具体的问题,这几天在做demo时,写了一个自定义组合控件,最后在run的时候显示这两行报错。原先还以为是setOnClickListener错了,后来经过debug才发现findViewById查找我的自定义组合控件为null ! d Jul 3, 2014 · findViewById() returns null when I call it in onCreate() 0. xml in different modules. findViewById() and getView(). View. findViewById always returns null, even though these are valid views. With this you can call findViewById(). All good so far. Toolbar - findViewById is null. Today I've tried to create RecyclerView inside one of the fragments. Help. This is the code in my fragment. View android. Unfortunatelly I am getting NullPointerException because layout is null in method getTransferTab(). Feb 25, 2017 · First, you don't need to chain findViewById() calls like that. findViewById() returns null even in the right layout. The ID tag is part of attrs, so if you ignore attrs, you delete the ID. Sometimes it returns the TextView and LinearLayout. Modified 11 years, 9 months ago. MrFoxPro opened this issue Oct 23, 2017 · 2 comments Comments. Apr 24, 2012 · However I am also trying to build my landscape layout but have the problem that when I try and use findViewById() to get my base layout which is part of my layout file stored in res/layout-land it returns null. It has 3 child layouts. - This is if it's return correctly. Adapter: I encountered this problem because my project has two layout with the same file name. 1, with andoird API: 23 ibrahim yener wrote:First thing catch my eye is you are not importing R file. Jun 5, 2020 · returns null. Viewed 2k times Part of Mobile Development while, just by clean you project, rebuild it, or import the R file manually, it might a sad thing to find the id of specified view component still cannot find by the activity. EDIT: In view of the comments, here is what you should do to achieve what you are looking for: Jul 25, 2014 · I've tried both getActivity(). On Xamarin, an Activity can be in a condition where device orientation is portrait but the portrait Dec 25, 2012 · I try to reference a TextView in my java file through findViewById(int), but this seems to return null even after calling setContentView(int) with the correct layout file. xamarin id's not being found with findviewbyid. view. One of the most common reasons why findViewById returns null is because the view hasn’t been inflated yet. java Nov 15, 2015 · NavigationHeader has 2 buttons - 1 starts LoginActivity and 2nd RegisterActivity. This method does not work in any of the methods of the Fragment class. I know that just calling findViewById() will search the view in the layout that i inflated it. May 20, 2014 · I want to access a TextView to exhange its label. 0. The hierarchy will be searched top-down, so just look for what you ultimately want. Mar 5, 2020 · Android Studio PageViewer findViewById(R. Jul 5, 2014 · When there is no view with an Id then findViewById will return you null. Viewed 3k times Part of Mobile Development Feb 19, 2014 · I have a problem with the the following line: mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout)findViewById(R. support. If it's possible, how can I get the view of EditText with id: display_name from the main layout ? Thanks in Advance. Hot Network Questions Sep 28, 2012 · It works fine on my phone running 4. Thanks! Jan 8, 2020 · I've tried a couple different methods but it doesn't seem to be working. It's probably very generic and if you look inside the source of the Activity class, you will find this method: @Nullable public View findViewById(@IdRes int id) { return getWindow(). So when you call getView() in fragment, you call for current fragment view. findViewById(), it returns null. Please help me. Rotation before accessing an element that only exists in e. I've inspected the view and the ImageButton is there in the hierarchy, but the Id is 0. - If i re debug it. Nov 24, 2022 · One of the most common reasons why findViewById returns null is because the view hasn’t been inflated yet. Viewed 433 times Part of Mobile Development Jul 19, 2018 · findViewById() returns null even in the right layout. 1. Modified 11 years, 3 months ago. v7 May 14, 2011 · When doing some major code changes, it might happen, that findViewById(R. 1 but when I tried to run my code on emulator running 2. AndroidGUI27:findViewById返回null的解决办法 – 玄机逸士的专栏 – 博客频道 – CSDN. fav_button); But this returns null. call_icon); is returning null for some reason. button News for Android developers with the who, what, where, when and how of the Android community. Copy link MrFoxPro commented Oct 23, 2017 • Nov 29, 2016 · This means the following line will return null: FindViewById<Button>(Resource. NoSaveStateFrameLayout could not be cast to android. I'm inflating an xml layout file to populate the ViewPager. Edit: Not entirely sure if my answer is relevant to Xamarin. (I checked all the other questions on this topic but they're not related to my problem). Here is my code : public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { Feb 5, 2013 · The problem is, the getView method is being called twice. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. java: // get the bottom sheet view ConstraintLayout llBottomSheet = findViewById(R. findViewById(DeleteButton) call returns null. BackButton) Now if you do FindViewById<Button>(Resource. 5. 0 why custom image view 's findviewbyId returns null. DefaultDisplay. They all return null. 0" encoding="utf- Sep 15, 2021 · findViewById is returning "null" in a custom view for "mImageView" & "mCropOverlayView". I inflate the xml describing my listItem. The warning is just a help. Share Improve this answer Jun 15, 2014 · I've checked ArrayList friends and it isn't null; The program throws NullPointException at adapters getView() and the reason is that when myView == null - (ImageView) findViewById(R. Hot Network Questions Nov 28, 2014 · ImageButton findViewById returns null. drawer_layout); returning null. xml layout. Apr 23, 2020 · Android - findViewById returns null. ProgressBar) returns null. Instead, just call view. inviteCheckBox); returns null. java, it returns null. The buttons btnYES and btnNO and the EditText etStudentName can be found in the content that is inflated in the dialog: Also in Kotlin you do not need findViewById to access the activity's views. { return this; } return null; } ViewGroup. findViewById on custom view throws null. contacts_list_view); instead as suggested by this answer. Here is the code to safely retrieve the proper result of findViewById: Jan 12, 2014 · I`m using a customAdapter to fill in my listview. Eclipse wizard for generating layout xml file does not automatically generate android:id attribute for the root element. There you will call the layout fragment_main. class: Jul 8, 2015 · I'm trying to instantiate a viewpager in my app but I can't find a way to make the viewpager object non-null. On the Java side, I get Mar 4, 2021 · However findViewById(int) called from an Activity tries to find the already existing view in the hierarchy and returns null if it isn't found. Here is my code, respectively my header and my page: Sep 16, 2018 · I am using a bottomSheetBehavior in my android project. this is my xml file: &lt;?xml version="1. Sep 22, 2013 · findViewById returns null for WebView. When you instantiate a Fragment you create a view with onCreateView method:. findViewById() as suggested in this question. Jun 24, 2014 · But none of the solutions fixed my problem. Modified 4 years, 3 months ago. May 25, 2022 · The findViewById() method is a method of Android’s View and Activity classes. progress among the built-in View resources available. btnYES) returns null because btnYES is not a view inside the contentView inflated to PageTwoActivity. However, in the sample project he provides, it doesn't seem that he waits until onFinishInflate. How can I get around this issue? May 3, 2019 · I have some TextViews in a Fragment that I would like to access, but findViewById returns null. 8. xml in the onCreateView method. layout. I even get null if, in the sample above, I call findViewById(item. Mar 24, 2013 · public View findViewById(int viewID) { return activity. fragment_main, container, false); Button buttonClick = (Button) view. Ask Question Asked 12 years, 8 months ago. NET. For some reason, when I call findViewById() in init, it returns null and the app crashes. My guess it that it has to do with me creating my own version of the button. Id and the documentation of getView() that explains why it returns null before onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) returns: getView() Get the root view for the fragment's layout (the one returned by onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)), if provided. mIcon = (ImageView) findViewById(R. Like so @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View view = inflater. Viewed 12k times Part of Mobile Development Collective May 13, 2020 · So, I am trying to use a Switch in my Android app's SettingsFragment but it seems the IDE just won't see it in the XML. Modified 12 years, 8 months ago. animation_layout_content); this line always returns null; however, mSidebar returns the view correctly. @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Jul 3, 2016 · In android when I try to use the getIntent(); method in android, it returns null,which is causing the application to crash. EditText. Thank you! Sep 26, 2015 · Android - findViewById returns null. Id. xml clearnly contains this button: Dec 8, 2013 · (ProgressBar) findViewById(R. java Dec 16, 2015 · FindViewbyId always returns Null in Fragment. Jun 15, 2011 · I have this seemingly innocent findViewById() in my onCreate() which keeps returning null:. findViewById in the View you have just inflated, which I assume is what you want. Viewed 3k times Oct 2, 2021 · I am trying to display a video feed within a Fragment, but findViewById(R. Aug 10, 2010 · I am trying to get the ListView by using the findViewById function, findViewById(R. 0 Can't access ListView or LinearLayout from Resource. I think what you are looking for is either to inflate the layout using a LayoutInflater and then add it using addView as you suggested, or if this layout represents the root of your activity, use Oct 23, 2017 · FindViewById return null #6. findViewById Oct 22, 2015 · FindViewbyId always returns Null in Fragment. 4. To do this, you must get a hold of a ViewGroup (LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,etc) and add the inflated View to it. Nov 18, 2012 · surfaceview + buttons findviewbyid returns null [closed] Ask Question Asked 11 years, 9 months ago. I have tried various options suggested by other findViewById returns null questions, but they haven't solved my issue. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 10 months ago. Can anyone explain why this is happening please? ManualFragment. I was looking all around through the interner but it seems I can't find the solution for my "BIG" problem :D Here's Dec 4, 2012 · In my Android project I take the SurfaceView for playing video. Aug 24, 2015 · Yesterday I encountered a problem - findViewById( ) return NULL for my toolbar. Jan 11, 2014 · I'm having some issues. I wrote an adapter class for displaying an array into a ListView. circle) will return null if that layout doesn't have the CircledImageView. Viewed 1k times Dec 11, 2021 · The version of findViewById we are talking about here is defined in AppCompatActivity and returns an instance of nullable view against the view id you pass in. This doesn't return null; instead it causes a ClassCastException in that android. The spinner in Spinner spinner = (Spinner) view. findViewById in fragment in android. H Android findViewById returns null, but only for my custom view. tabsearchspinner_location); is always null. The application crashes only if the Apr 26, 2017 · Xamarin FindViewById returns null. Testing custom Views with Robolectric. app. Viewed 6k times Jun 15, 2022 · findviewbyid returns null, what could be the issue? 1. For example, suppose you have a TextView in your XML layout with the following definition: Because findViewById is done to get the id on a View Object, not in an Activity Object. java, according to Eclipse the R. getRootView() and going down the hierarchy by myself, but without any success. May 21, 2014 · FindViewById returns NULL Scroll View. findViewById (R. But when I try to View. Modified 8 years, 2 months ago. Modified 4 years, 4 months ago. portrait mode, FindViewById can still return null. pager); from my onCreate() method in my main activity, the viewpager object returned is null. Modified 6 years, 6 months ago. Click, you will definitely get a System. So you got NullPointerException. But findViewById returns null for SurfaceView. physicalEffortSwitch) returns null. skeleton_activity) returns null. May 6, 2021 · findviewbyid returns null, what could be the issue? 1. findViewById(viewID); } My problem is that my resourceHelper. The findViewById() method should be used in conjunction with XML layouts to provide a reference to the View that was defined in the XML file. list_item_language, parent, false); does indeed returned a View. I'm doing everything right including setting a content view (first line in the oncreate) and making the xml right. Therefore, you need to add this attribute to your views in your xml file. article); return view; Oct 26, 2016 · findViewById() Returns null from within a fragment - Android. Solution: Make sure call findViewById() below the setContentView() function. I have used a recyclerview before in an activity, it works perfect there. Jan 26, 2017 · Android - findViewById returns null. Feb 24, 2011 · The debugger tells me that findViewById(R. This line returns null. Editable android. Note that if you don't setContentView(), and don't have a valid view to findViewById() on, findViewById() will always return null until you call setContentView(). mCheckLicenseButton = (Button) findViewById(R. Hot Network Questions I have a custom dialog and when I try to get the value of an EditText it returns null. yoxmsb hmzlhev qqvar cfjowg avtf jjzhh zuxpg znbz njes xuxfk