Change matplotlib size. gca(projection='3d') theta = np.

figure() メソッドで figsize を設定し、 rcParams を設定することで、Matplotlib で図のサイズを変更することもでき Nov 3, 2010 · Global default colors, line widths, sizes etc, can be adjusted with the rcParams dictionary: import matplotlib. Optionally, the text can be displayed in another position xytext . tick_params(axis='both', **kwargs) [source] #. grid() with the correct keywords. There are various ways to plot multiple sets of data. 0, 10. tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10) ax. If we want to change the font size of the axis labels, we can use the parameter “fontsize” and set it your desired number. mplot3d import proj3d import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np import matplotlib. subplot(122) to be half as wide as plt. savefig('test. rcParams['ytick. pi, 100) z = np. Jan 24, 2018 · This line isn't doing what you think it is. Adjust the subplot layout parameters. Also other attributes can be added to the plot too. But defining the conversion factor may feel a little tedious for quick iterations. The simplified version of the code is pasted below. Note that if cax is specified, it determines the size of the colorbar, and shrink and aspect are ignored. Set variable point size in matplotlib. subplots(2,2,figsize=(10,10)) when creating subplots. rc('axes', titlesize=SMALL_SIZE) # fontsize of the axes title plt. Spines are subclasses of Patch, and inherit much of their behavior. tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=8) This only answers to the size of label part of your Jan 7, 2015 · For changing the size of the Axes (I believe that's what you mean by 'chart'), the position keyword is what you're looking for if you use add_subplot, or just the input parameter if you use add_axes. If fontproperties is given the default values for font size and weight are taken from the FontProperties defaults. text(x, y, s, fontdict=None, **kwargs) [source] #. pyplot as plt #create bar chart plt. set_xticks() and ax. tick_params(labelsize=label_size) answered Mar 13, 2019 at 2:06. Parameters: quiver([X, Y], U, V, [C], **kwargs) X, Y define the arrow locations, U, V define the arrow directions, and C optionally sets the color. annotate(text, xy, xytext=None, xycoords='data', textcoords=None, arrowprops=None, annotation_clip=None, **kwargs) [source] #. I am talking of the size of the page itself not Nov 2, 2023 · Original Answer: Here's an example of a routine that will adjust the subplot parameters so that you get the desired aspect ratio: import matplotlib. The list of matplotlib's font family arguments is here. labelsize : medium # fontsize of the x any y labels. gcf() ## Set figure size to 18. annotate. ax. To try to troubleshoot I found in matplotlib. Then, you learned how to use the figure object functions, set_figheight() and set_figwidth() functions to change the size of a Matplotlib plot. Example 1: Changing both axis label. boxplot. As my domain size gets bigger, the size of each plotted point remains fixed, so eventually as I zoom out, things get scrunched up, overlapped, and generally messy. For example, the following code will increase the size of the legend by 10 points: plt. gcf(). This is the pyplot wrapper for Figure. direction (in or out of the frame) colors. Make a step plot. An arrow pointing from the text to the annotated point xy can then be added by defining arrowprops. fig, axes = plt. 97. Jan 12, 2023 · When creating plots using Matplotlib, you get a default figure size of 6. In this article, you'll learn how to change the plot size using the following: * The figsize () attribute. bar # Quick interactive work is usually rendered to the screen, making pixels a good size of unit. labelsize”. titlesize and axes. AutoLocator object at 0x7f34575c6930> <matplotlib. 22. This option is passed on to set_xlim and set_ylim. The position of the right edge of the subplots, as Jan 10, 2024 · Change Plot Size in Matplotlib in Python. normal Increase the display size of image in matplotlib. pyplot as plt ## Create a new figure fig = plt. plot. labelsize']=8 plt. The whiskers extend from the box to the farthest data point lying within 1. Feb 2, 2023 · import matplotlib. The axis to configure. In figsize, the 10 is for breadth and 5 is for height. This method uses a standard plot with a step drawstyle: The x values are the reference positions and steps from mpl_toolkits. 3224 How do I change the size of figures drawn with Matplotlib? 3217 Jul 7, 2017 · The axes size is determined by the figure size and the figure spacings, which can be set using figure. figure(figsize=(5,5)) ax = fig. subplots(5, 5, figsize=(12, 10)) plt. subplots_adjust. Axes. Any or all of x, y, s, and c may be masked arrays, in which case all masks will be combined and only unmasked points will be plotted. The following is the syntax: import matplotlib. axes3d import Axes3D from mpl_toolkits. Oct 25, 2012 · set the figure width and height in inches through plt. subplots_adjust #. size parameter in the matplotlibrc/in the global matplotlib rcParams which is generally a nice way to set your layout because it will then be the same for all plots. Mar 16, 2015 · 67. (arguments inside figsize lets to modify the figure size) To change figure size of more subplots you can use plt. subplot(122) I want plt. Also take a look at this question. Arrow length. legend without any arguments and without setting the labels manually will result in a UserWarning and an empty legend being drawn. You can also let the axes scale and only set the equal aspect to the data, plt. 5) ## Save the figure fig. family"] = "cursive". With plt. labelsize']=8 Finally, if this is a setting that you would like to be set for all your matplotlib plots, you could also set these two rcParams in your matplotlibrc file: Jan 3, 2021 · Output . tick_params here for more parameters that can be modified. Jul 25, 2017 · There are actually multiple ways to set font-sizes in matplotlib. Using . gca(). Call the functions ax. If mappable is a ContourSet, its extend kwarg is included automatically. The position of the left edge of the subplots, as a fraction of the figure width. They can be placed at arbitrary positions. You can change the tick size using: font_size = 14 # Adjust as appropriate. Note that dmainz's answer 's answer does a similar thing but it works by setting the width and height separately; this method sets them both in one function call. Longer answer: with a plt. figure(figsize=(5,5)) Dec 8, 2014 · example: import matplotlib. label. Syntax : matplotlib. Jan 3, 2021 · Let’s see it one by one. 8 for the height (in inches). A style sheets looks the same as a matplotlibrc file, but in a style sheet you can Apr 5, 2023 · For the size you can include the keyword markerscale=## in the call to legend and that will make the markers How to change the font size on a matplotlib plot. Additionally, the drawing of the solid line is influenced by the drawstyle, e. 5*plotsToPlot)) where plotsToPlot is the number of subplots on one figure. Thank you for your help! fig, ax = plt. I would like to have direct control of the size of the subplot in this figure. In the simplest form, the text is placed at xy. cb. The size of the plot figure is stored with the key figure. set_figsize_inches. It might be nice the have a figure or axes property like . rc('ytick', labelsize=20) This will be sufficient for your current code as there is only one plot. axes. Oct 14, 2021 · Matplotlib drawing shows too small, change dimensions or size of matplotlib plots. Whether to use scientific notation. set_title('axes title', size = 50) for tick in ax. pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline plt. show() Another plot is . edited Sep 13, 2021 at 8:09. # We prepare the plot. plt(kind='line', figsize=(10, 5)) After that, the plot will be done and the size increased. By using Figsize, you can change both of these values. suptitle('fig title', size = 80) ax. x, y define the data locations, xerr, yerr define the errorbar sizes. plt. figure (This is exactly equivalent to the snippet above): import matplotlib Stacked bars can be achieved by passing individual bottom values per bar. Tick properties that are not explicitly set using the keyword arguments remain unchanged unless reset is True. Increasing the label size in matplotlib in pie chart Jun 7, 2023 · The Matplotlib library provides the set_size_inches() function to make this possible. The shrink kwarg provides a simple way to scale the colorbar with respect to the Axes. No matter how big I allow the whole figure to be, the subplots always seem to be small. 5x the inter-quartile range (IQR) from the box. def plot(dpi): fig, ax=plt. figure(figsize=(8,8), dpi=80), you can get a 640x640 figure in the following ways: Pass the dpi='figure' keyword argument to plt. figsize. Example: >>> plot(x1, y1, 'bo') >>> plot(x2, y2, 'go') Copy to clipboard. To change this behavior see the scale and scale_units parameters. Arrow shape. subplots(dpi=dpi) ax. Plot y versus x as lines and/or markers with attached errorbars. figure(figsize=(width,height)) matplotlib. For example: import matplotlib. savefig: Aug 24, 2012 · The size of the plot can be changed by setting the dynamic rc settings of Matplotlib. The available titles are positioned above the Axes in the center, flush with the left edge, and flush with the right edge. use. Apr 22, 2015 · To change the size of your pie chart/figure, you could insert the following two lines right above plt. rcParams['font. legend (fontsize=10) You can also use the `bbox_to_anchor` parameter to specify the location of the legend. yaxis. titleweight"] (default: 'normal') are ignored in this case. rcParams['figure. titlesize"] (default: 'large') and rcParams["figure. To reduce the overall size of the figure simply do fig = plt. savefig(, dpi='figure') to use the dpi value set at figure creation. set_size_inches How to change the font size on a matplotlib plot. A dict of font properties. Feb 2, 2013 · Annotation objects define a set_size() method, which can be called if the fontsize of a specific annotation needs to be changed after the plot is made. In reverse this means that you can set the axes size by setting the figure size taking into acount the figure spacings: """ w, h: width, height in inches """. The saved figure width will be 1000 (10x100) and the height will be 500 (5x100). The default settings auto-scales the length of the arrows to a reasonable size. , starting in the same point and ending at same size. Most of the concepts and parameters of plot can be used here as well. The default figure size is (6. First the big ones: You are creating a new figure and a new axes in every iteration of your loop → put fig = plt. dpi'] = 100 , one can mentally divide the needed pixel value by 100 [ 1 ] : None or dict, optional. See Discrete distribution as horizontal bar chart. style. labelsize” or “ytick. Explicitly listing the artists and labels in the legend. 5, fontsize=12) will reduce the symbol size by a factor 2. “axes. answered Mar 16, 2015 at 10:46. 25. title(label, fontdict=None, loc=None, pad=None, *, y=None, **kwargs) [source] #. xaxis. linewidth'] = 2. By default, they are “medium”, but you can use a number for it as well. plot=ax. rcParams['xtick. If you are using the 'pylab' for interactive plotting you can set the labelsize at creation time with pylab. 8 inches. Changing the fontsize One can change the base of the logarithm X axis <matplotlib. Dec 4, 2017 · How to change the font size on a matplotlib plot. figure and ax = fig. The easiest way is to add this: plt. axes() you are creating a new axes again. ticklabel_format. labelsize. table the method get_fontsize(). For all backends, the window size is controlled by the figsize argument. import matplotlib. Parameters: This comment and suggestion table. 0. How is it possible to change the width of errorbars too? I'm using matplotlib. If you want to change the tick size for all figures in the script you are running, you need to add the following at the top of your code: import matplotlib. In this way you can switch easily between different styles by simply changing the imported style sheet. . sales) By default, Matplotlib uses a width of 0. errorbar(x,y, yerr=[y1,y2], A: To change the size of the legend in Matplotlib, you can use the `legend ()` function’s `fontsize` parameter. Is there a straightforward way to set the height Sep 11, 2018 · Another option, if you want to set the figure size after creating the figure, is to use fig. I have about 40 pdf files. 5x10. Also see Relationship between dpi and figure size. There are various ways we can use those steps to set size of plot in Matplotlib in Python: Using set_figheight () and set_figwidth () Using figsize. How to change the size of figures drawn with matplotlib? To have the plots of a specific size in matplotlib, you can pass the figure size to the figsize parameter of matplotlib pyplot’s figure() function or specify the default figure size via rcParams. Because of the default rcParams['figure. , one can create "stepped" lines in various styles. gca() matplotlib. If x and/or y are 2D arrays, a separate data set will be drawn for every column. get_tick_params. figure(figsize=(20,20)) Instead of adjusting the size of the existing plot, it's creating a new figure with a size of 20x20. If I understood your question correctly, you are trying to change the font size not the axis or legend, but on the actual values that are written on the bars. figsize'] = (20. Call signatures: This is just a thin wrapper around plot which changes some formatting options. Jan 30, 2023 · Matplotlib で図の形式を変更する. Axes. rc('xtick',labelsize=8) plt. 4 x 4. Also the SciPy Cookbook has an entry on changing image size which contains a section about multiple images per figure. ylabel('ylabel', fontsize=16) fig. set_scale() to force a true 1-on-x output. Ffisegydd. A larger figure size will allow for longer texts, more axes or more ticklabels to be shown. Plotting multiple sets of data. The text of the annotation. seed(12) fig, ax = plt. subplots(figsize=( 12, 8 )) x = range ( 1, 11 ) y = [i** 2 for i in x] z = [i** 3 for i in x] Jun 13, 2017 · You can still make the figure larger, e. – Dilawar Commented Mar 12, 2015 at 11:41 Jun 16, 2019 · This is the code to save the plot as pdf. subplots(figsize=(10,5)), dataset2. e. Jun 17, 2011 · There is a simpler way actually. linspace(-2, 2, 100) r = z**2 matplotlib. def adjustFigAspect(fig,aspect=1): '''. 0. rcParams contains axes. Example 1: Change the font size of the Title in a Matplotlib. Feb 2, 2024 · We could use the set_figheight() along with set_figwidth() and set_size_inches() methods to change Matplotlib plot size. fontsize'] = 10 fig = plt. figure. Nov 11, 2021 · However, the figure size has not changed, which means the existing 4 plots will be automatically scaled to fill the space. titlesize : large # fontsize of the axes title. 0) – brycemcd matplotlib. width and length. Nov 11, 2023 · The size of these plots can also be changed by changing the size of the underlying matplotlib figure that contains this Axes using set_size_inches(). A string starting with an underscore is the default label for all artists, so calling Axes. This will change all elements' font sizes (though only of those that Note. Aug 30, 2021 · In today’s short guide we will discuss a few possible ways for adjusting the size of the generated plots. Now we will see how to change the size of the axis labels:. Spines are the lines connecting the axis tick marks and noting the boundaries of the data area. subplots() # We change the fontsize of minor ticks label. In this example, we are plotting a ReLU function graph with fontsize=40. errorbar. A complete list of params can be found here. Jan 17, 2021 · The support for table in matplotlib is rather elementary. random. This is especially useful if the plot with the annotations are created using an external library such as scikit-learn, statsmodels etc. May 3, 2015 · You can change the size of the symbol in the legend using the markerscale keyword. Dec 4, 2017 · Figure size (figsize) determines the size of the figure in inches. Annotate the point xy with text text. May 9, 2021 · I don't know how idiomatic this is, but I adjusted this for my jupyter notebook to get it to work: import matplotlib. I just found: import matplotlib. However, usually it is simplest to use tick_params to change all the objects at once. mplot3d. Mar 13, 2019 · 1. subplot(121) plt. I've got the following code: I've tried using the two following bits of code to increase the size of my chart: but neither of them have worked. The extent can change due to any changes in the transform stack, such as changing the Axes limits, the figure size, or the canvas used (as is done when saving a figure). Example 1 Jul 14, 2016 · There a two things you can do here. It is mostly meant to add some text in table form on an existing plot. Create a Line2D instance with x and y data in sequences of xdata, ydata. 28k 25 74 78. Add the text s to the Axes at location x, y in data coordinates, with a default horizontalalignment on the left and verticalalignment at the baseline. bar (x=df. You don't want to change the figure size. set_size_inches(18. Figure. The question is, why did it need to be done in one script but not another? It was not set to true anywhere, and true does not appear to be the default. For the current style settings, see Axis. scatter. This parameter is governed under the rcParams attribute of the figure. Unset parameters are left unmodified; initial values are given by rcParams["figure. If you are a control freak like me, you may want to explicitly set all your font sizes: import matplotlib. savefig('figure. Short answer: use plt. Specific artists can be excluded from the automatic legend element selection by using a label starting with an underscore, "_". Adjust the subplot parameters so that the figure has the correct. color'] = 'r'. Only major ticks are affected. I need to change the size of the delimiters of a scatter plot. answered Oct 7, 2021 at 6:56. How to insert value in numpy ndArray? 0. add_subplot(1,1,1) outside of the loop. This can lead to unexpected behavior where interactive figures will look fine on the screen, but will save incorrectly. step #. How to make plot larger Python Jupyter notebook. 8 . As an example, to get and set the size of a Matplotlib plot: import matplotlib. Hope this helps. pyplot as plt May 10, 2012 · To change the random number, you can experiment with np. However, we can use the width argument to specify a different value: matplotlib. figure(figsize=(20,20)) Jul 4, 2018 · Try this: import matplotlib as plt. pyplot as plt. You could also adjust the line width after you draw your pie chart: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt. rcParams['lines. How to zoom_in 3D plot. set_size_inches; Whether observers are notified of the axis limit change. rcParams['legend. colorbar. Add text to the Axes. labelsize” effects the axes labels, not the labels for the ticks. rc('ytick',labelsize=8) Or, equivalently: plt. show() If you're creating the figure and subplots separately, you can specify the size to plt. Jul 25, 2010 · To make it work, you need to change the figsize e. and whether the ticks are drawn at the bottom, top, left, or right of the Axes. tick_params(labelsize=font_size) See the docs for ax. However, the size of those pdf slightly varies from 10:35 x 8:36 to almost 10:47x 8:47 inches. This gives a larger (overall) output image, but the axes area will still be the same size. Method 1: Resizing color-bar using shrink keyword argument. The plot function will be faster for scatterplots where markers don't vary in size or color. Set one of the three available Axes titles. axes. # This will change to your computer's default cursive font. #. savefig(filename, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0. barh # I have two plots import matplotlib. 4, 4. fig = plt. figure() Using set_size_inches() by modifying rcParams['figure. set_size_inches(10, 5). Shaido. 2. gca(projection='3d') theta = np. Change the Size of Figures using set_figheight () and set_figwidth () Apr 6, 2017 · Announcing a change to the data-dump process. If a parameter is not set, the corresponding property of the formatter is left unchanged. After importing the file we can use the Matplotlib library, but remember to use it as plt: df. legend( scatterpoints=1, loc='best', ncol=1, markerscale=0. 10. gmds. pi, 4 * np. ylabel('Example', fontsize=40). title() method in the matplotlib module. You want to modify “xtick. Set a title for the Axes. 1. rcParams["font. linspace(-4 * np. Draw a box and whisker plot. You learned how to change the size of a plot using the figsize= parameter. define the dpi while saving the figure plt. I think the default is 12. If you don't need to differentiate between the X and Y axes, or major and minor ticks, use tick_params: tick_size = 14. [name]"]. Thanks for that, Ben. auto_set_font_size(False) fixed it. dpi means "dot per inch". Simply move the above line before the call to scatter and things will work as you want. Don't use the Locators. figure(figsize=(10, 1. jpg') For globally setting title and label sizes, mpl. Use fmt='none' to draw errorbars without any data markers. See set_position for more information. 519. pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl from prettyplotlib import brewer2mpl import numpy as np import prettyplotlib as ppl np. You specify it as [left, bottom, width, height]. pyplot. ax. Using the shrink attribute of colorbar () function we can scale the size of the colorbar. figsize'] Additionally, we will discuss how to resize a figure using a factor/ratio of the existing matplotlib. You want to change the dpi (dots per inch). 8) inches in matplotlib 2. 5, 10. 4 for the width and 4. Aug 18, 2016 · I have to change the size of the markers in my plot (making them bigger). I need to compare plots and they should all be at the same size, i. Another way to change the visual appearance of plots is to set the rcParams in a so-called style sheet and import that style sheet with matplotlib. subplots (2, 2, figsize=(10,7)) #specify individual sizes for subplots fig, ax = plt. get_major_ticks(): tick. g. edited Sep 10, 2013 at 1:11. Changing the default rcParams. You can use plt. MATPLOTLIB - Increase I am doing some plotting using cartopy and matplotlib, and I am producing a few images using the same set of points with a different domain size shown in each image. tick_params(size=tick_size) If you want to change the size of the tick labels, then you want this: label_size = 14. See Text alignment. rc('axes', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt. Thanks. rc('xtick', labelsize=20) matplotlib. The tick_params method can change the properties of ticks: length. Jan 8, 2017 · I wonder how to set the size of the subplot when figure contains multiple subplots (5 × 2 in my case). rc('font', size=SMALL_SIZE) # controls default text sizes plt. rcParams [‘axes. ScalarFormatter object at matplotlib. ticker. This gives the amount of space the axes (and other elements) have inside the figure. step. 915. How do I set the figure title and axes labels font size? 0. We can also change Matplotlib plot size by setting figsize in the figure() method and rcParams. figure(1, figsize=(12,2)) and then adjust the margins and spacings using plt. Change the appearance of ticks, tick labels, and gridlines. pop() makes the code difficult to reason about. Plot larger points on bottom and smaller on top. figure(figsize = (16,8)) to change figure size of a single plot and with up to two subplots. set_size(40). set_fontsize(60) ax. rcParams['text. set_aspect('equal', adjustable='datalim') Finally plotting the subplots beneath each other makes them bigger as well. This is the pyplot wrapper for axes. if not ax: ax=plt. bar(ax=ax). pyplot as plt SMALL_SIZE = 8 MEDIUM_SIZE = 10 BIGGER_SIZE = 12 plt. subplots (1, 2, gridspec_kw={' width_ratios ': [3, 1]}) The following examples show how to use this syntax in practice. Jul 30, 2014 · How to change the font size on a matplotlib plot. The box extends from the first quartile (Q1) to the third quartile (Q3) of the data, with a line at the median. This size can be changed by using the Figsize method of the respective figure. pyplot as plt plt. May 6, 2017 · 5. subplots_adjust(). Configure the ScalarFormatter used by default for linear Axes. set_ylabel("test y", size = 35) for i in range(8): y Jul 15, 2022 · In the code below, we modify a number of different font sizes belonging to different parts of our data visualization: # Changing the Font Size Using rcParams import matplotlib. rc('xtick', labelsize Aug 13, 2009 · Do you mean changing the size of the image or the area that is visable within a plot? The size of a figure can be set with Figure. plot([2,4,1,5], label="Label") Jul 15, 2021 · You can use the following syntax to adjust the size of subplots in Matplotlib: #specify one size for all subplots fig, ax = plt. Jan 9, 2024 · Increase or Decrease the Plot Size in Matplotlib. Calling plt. An arrow pointing from the text to the annotated Aug 24, 2020 · In Matplotlib all the diagrams are created at a default size of 6. The axis to which the parameters are applied. show() And I wish the they be at the same ratio . The most straight forward way is just to call plot multiple times. figure(figsize=[10,5]) after you created the plot just creates a new plot. These are stored in a dictionary named rcParams. 5, transparent=True, dpi=300) I have tried dpi=100, dpi=600 with no change. Aug 26, 2022 · As we use matplotlib. Here's how to use this function: import matplotlib. Related questions. See Stacked bar chart. 5 inches fig. Font size in matplotlib. pyplot as plt mpl. item, height=df. The figsize attribute allows us to specify the width and height of a figure in-unit inches. 4. fig, ax = plt. matplotlib. size'] = 6. subplot(121). title() method to assign a title to a plot, so in order to change the font size, we are going to use the font size argument of the pyplot. The relevant documentation is here. figure(figsize=(5,2)) Aug 30, 2012 · import matplotlib. %matplotlib inline. Returns: Jun 24, 2022 · In this tutorial, you learned how to change the figure size of a Matplotlib plot. colorbar (mappable=None, shrink=scale) Basically, we are multiplying by some factor to the original size of the color-bar. show(). If ‘figure’ it will set the dpi to be the value of the figure. subplot. png', dpi=100). set_ylabel('Example', fontsize=40) or afterwards with ax. This can be achieved by an attribute of Matplotlib known as figsize. So the figure y-size (height) is increased and the y-size of the axes is decreased equally. (From the page): axes. Examples using matplotlib. For example, ax. savefig('filename. A line - the line can have both a solid linestyle connecting all the vertices, and a marker at each vertex. set_figheight() を set_figwidth() および set_size_inches() メソッドと一緒に使用して、Matplotlib で図のサイズを変更できます。. png', dpi=100) In this code snippet, the gcf Stacked bars can be achieved by passing individual left values per bar. The most convenient is to set the global font. If you use pyplot programmatically you can either set the fontsize on creation with ax. rcParams["figure. subplots(1) fig. scatter(x, y) plt. Similarly, to change figure format we simply change extension of image file in the savefig() method. * The set_figwidth () method. It also can control the tick labels: labelsize matplotlib. aspect ratio. The saved figure size will be 1000x500 in pixels. Specifically, we will discuss how to do so: Using matplotlib. The default position is ('outward',0). tick_params. text. By default, this draws the data markers/lines as well as the errorbars. labelsize’] = 12. You can also use rcParams to change the font family globally. ks ze ml cl iz cy ic uf jt ir