Free fun electives usyd

If you're into plants, there's a Horticulture 1001 class. The main campus spreads across two inner-city suburbs and is attended by most of the university's students, many of whom are doing postgraduate courses. It depends what you are good at and what topics you enjoy learning about. • 2 days ago. HPSC1000. NO self-promotion / spam. BIOL1006 Life and Evolution: 6: A HSC Biology. I’m looking to finish my degree off. A: Assumed knowledge P: Prerequisites. 7/20 (Stdev ~2) They rebadge common sense as technical bullshit and then throw in all together in a confusing hodgepodge; and then couple it with the most boring Bachelor of Music. I’ve already decided to use my spare credits (from my overlapping majors) to do more maths but I This unit is for postgraduate students and also is offered as an elective for fourth year undergraduate students. Credit points. I have one free elective left in my commerce degree. Does anyone have any recommended electives or oles that I can take during my first…. They’re in the handbook under Korean Studies major and Japanese Studies major. Choosing electives. Some faculties have rules around what can be studied overseas, or when it's best to go. Wine and Food Pairing: 0621-513. If you would like the option at the end of third year of honours in stats you'll need to have taken measure theory and metric spaces. This unit of study is for Masters students and can be selected as an elective by 4th year students. Specific-Share3650. Free Elective Suggestion. I hope this helps :) 11 votes, 11 comments. Inevitably, it makes it harder for people from low socioeconomic backgrounds to feel like they belong in the law school. I just wanted to know if people had any recommendations of easy/interesting 4000 level electives. You’ll get to learn Chess and for midterms you play against the professor. The cohort is largely from private schools and selective schools, particularly in first year before people transfer in from other degrees. Honestly, art classes are quite fun to just take as a P/NP. FINC3023 Behavioural finance is relatively easy and highly theory based. I don't think it's the "easiest" course but it's definitely doable as long as you keep up with the content and make good notes. For those who have the time and space in their schedule for a fun and easy elective, this blog is for you! The following electives are great to choose from: Arts & Crafts Would love any suggestions - esp if they could be considered a wam booster. The assignments can get a bit hard and require lot of creativity, but overall was fun. Basically electives are units where they are core units for other majors/minors/degree but OLEs aren't. They can be any class that isnt cs or math related. If Japanese is your interest, then just go for it. A place for Students, Alumni and Staff of the University of Technology, Sydney to talk about anything and everything. I see some people have recommended PHYS1500 Astronomy as a 2nd semester subject which sounds really cool and which I may very well do when the time comes. Needed something credits wise to complement Com 295. Dont worry. Even if the exam is in person, as long as you take good notes and understand the topics you will be fine. Hi there, I am asking for some recommendations on some STEM/Business electives I can take in sem2. If you still wanted to complete some German units for your own personal learning, I would recommend doing just a BSc with 1 major + 1 minor, as doing the minor will leave you with some free spaces that you can fill with German electives. Typically means a 2-unit course from any USC school that doesn’t require D-clearance I. I was thinking of doing a commerce/business elective as it might be a good idea to expand my knowledge into different fields(I know some very basic things about macroeconomics) so I prefer a unit that's fairly easy. There was an Intro to Beekeeping offered at ambler back last spring. 2. If I remember correctly, there was three assessments. r/usyd. ). The Bachelor of Science is an undergraduate coursework degree that allows you to gain essential knowledge in the fundamental sciences, learning how to analyse and think critically. im already taking it but still need 1 more elective hahaha. Never picked electives before, so how does this work? Am i limited to picking electives within my course (e. Preferably would also like something a little bit interesting but idm - some electives I was looking at included, archaelology, greek myths, psych 101, and wildlife ones. I’m doing a Bachelor of Commerce/Advanced studies and obviously need to complete 24cp of 4000-level units. I’m doing psychological science/law so ideally would like something a little more laid back so I have time to focus on my law units. Maybe try PSYA02. Dramatic-Struggle554. Architecture, design and planning. So very out of course but fun ones. (iii) no more than 24 credit points of master's level units of study in the Juris Doctor. Mathematics units is part of the science faculty, so presumably yes, it will count. What are some free electives that are easy to take besides theatre? Easy/Fun elective recommendations? r/usyd. Our Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) are free, online and available Applications for 2025 Inbound Elective placements will be open from Monday, 8 July 2024 until Friday, 27 September 2024. i took BA1320 few years ago, it was pretty simple like we just watched few movies and write essays about it and I think We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A minor in Data Science requires 36 credit points from this table including: (i) 12 credit points of 1000-level core units. Hi, I’m a first year international student studying bcom at usyd. My advice is to enroll in a nursing / allied-health program (e. Majors, minors and programs. Introduction to Anthropology was fun when I did it and I always recommend it. Hey guys, I changed my major so i have 2 free electives next year. Bachelor of Visual Arts. It’s important to understand what they are and how they fit together when you first start to plan your studies. Fun stuff THTR209: Improvisation for Theater — no prerequisites and most students aren’t even in the theater department. However, the 3998 units you can’t do (unless you are also majoring in JPNS or KRNS). Not all of these components may be relevant to you, check your handbook to find out the requirements for your course. science electives, it can include oles so best bet to fill those 6cps are taking 3x2cp oles. As a philosophy major, definitely do the first year logic unit Suggestions for free electives. The sorts of units I'm looking for have just general prerequisites such as 48 credits of units, rather than explicit restrictions such as 12 JNR credits of MAJOR (the one exception is that I have history prerequisites so other interesting electives that can utilise HSTY WAM Booster Table A Elective. tttsiipe • 3 yr. haven't taken it but there's a magic class where you just learn magic trips and you take a field trip to a magic store. Award. Choosing elective for Biomedical science student. Oles are basically minimal effort for good wam booster. I dont think you can do OLES past the 12 credits you need. If you put enough effort in the assignment you can easily get a HD. You won’t be doing any Korean or Japanese in those units. I'm wondering what some easy and fun classes are offered that I can take to maybe have a more unique experience to see more of Australia or classes that are just known to be interesting and easy electives. A subreddit for all USYD current students and alumni. Quite burnt out from University so just wanted to ask if there was any elective that you would recommend that are not too tedious (not too many assessments) but still fun. business), or can I go outside of that (don't know if that's the case since 90% of subjects i'm looking at require prerequisites). Was eesa10 easy. Take the first year Gender and/or Cultural Studies units - they'll tie in nicely with Philosophy and Psychology (particularly Gender - it'll provide a different perspective and the discipline has a strong theoretical base in continental philosophy). There’s this description on Sydney student that one needs “ 12 credit points of Economics, Business School, Science, or Engineering elective units from Table S”. I think for b. Please note: Each Clinical School offers limited elective placements and the Application Portal will be closed once we have reached capacity. I appreciate the help. Kids can create picnic tables, bookshelves, picture frames, or whatever they want to make. The following areas offer majors and 5 days ago 路 There are different components that make up the structure of courses at the University. I have received credit for all units undertaken at UWS, but must pick up the compulsory first year math at USYD, and re-taking Intro to Programming as USYD teaches Java, unlike C++ at UWS. Whether you are looking for culture, nature, history, or entertainment, you will find something to suit your taste and budget. WSU is good for teaching and psychology. ) So I've eyed ARTS1030 as well to see if it's an easier alternative. There is a final exam, but it’s open book and really easy. Would be best if these units were business or media related but I'm not picky. (iii) 6 credit points of 2000-level selective units. Hi, just filling in Semester 2 2022 Subjects and was wondering if Electives for students in the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Advanced Studies are available in the subject areas in Table A. Temple also has a Glassblowing Course for Non-Majors. (ii) 12 credit points of 2000-level core units. Reply. r/UTS. Currently eyeing FOOD2000 for Table A but unsure for Table S as there are so many options. It’s definitely not difficult if you enjoy creative writing (poetry, prose, nonfiction). uni-throwaway666. Fencing. The Bachelor of Psychology is an accredited undergraduate coursework degree that will build your specialisation in in psychology, studying topics like behavioural neuroscience, social psychology, personality theory, perception, intelligence, mental health and developmental psychology. You will then complete a stream, program or major from the Science Go to UIUC. A Data structures and algorithms as covered in COMP2123 or COMP2823. any courses in business school? ENGG1811 (if you haven't done it yet). “Object and the Hand” was one of my favourites. (I hadn’t done anything like that before and did pretty well too) You do 3 weeks of clay, 3 weeks of ring making, 3 weeks of wood working, and submit a body of work that combines all three at the end. acct1003 (compulsory lectures) 3 of the easiest mark boosting subjects ever in that order. All combined Bachelor of Advanced Studies degrees. Electives can serve many purposes: fulfill an individual’s major requirement, supplement more rigorous courses to complete a minor, fill a schedule, or simply to have fun. (ii) a minimum of 6 credit points of units of study from Part 2 Jurisprudence Electives. CSIT113/127/128/226 -> no equivalent, you only get credit towards electives USYD units have far more content, even if UOW has an "equivalent". 6. If you think you can do well in your first year then it’s probably a good option to go to usyd and do an internal transfer. USYD is known for its research and has produced many influential alumni. I think only in ECSE is concentration talked about. Due to technical issues beyond my control, the course listing suggests that there is a 2 physics course prerequisite to take it, but it also says "Permission of the department" is viable. If you've studied at Sydney Uni, post a review and share your experiences. This subreddit is not sponsored or endorsed by the University of Illinois or any other on-campus group. I’ve just completed ECON1001, ECMT1010, MATH1021, MATH1002 and 6 credits of OLEs. Our excellence in research and teaching makes the University of Sydney one of the top universities in Australia and highly ranked among the best universities in the world. Its not easy to get marks in MKTG1001. As far as I know, there isn’t a compiled list. I also wanted to see if anyone else has been in the same/similar situation that I am in, and would really appreciate to hear your thoughts/responses. physio, radiography, etc. For thousands of years they have shared and exchanged knowledges across innumerable generations for the benefit of all. Thank you so much ! Easy and fun is very subjective. In my final year of uni and need some extra credit points. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and has a large international student population. Both undergraduate and postgraduate students can go on exchange — undergraduate students can go anytime from Semester 2 in your first year. Just looking for advice on what electives to take for semester 2. In addition to the units listed in the Table A subject areas, students have the opportunity to enrol in stand-alone Science elective I've heard good things about the Backpacking course. Foods of the World: 0621-509. In 2020, we were ranked second in the Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings, and first in Australia in the QS Graduate We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Shared pool of majors and minors. Yes, you have to complete 2 majors if you are a part of the combined BSc/BAdvSt degree. Gets you comfortable with spontaneity and being playful, especially in the context of comedic improv. Lectures and practicals for this unit of study take place on the University of Sydney Camperdown campus as well as at Taronga Zoo in the Institute of Science and Learning. The average mid semester grade was 11. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome. MembersOnline. ago. I did EDGU1003 last sem. If you only got a pass/low credit in the programming units, be prepared to put in a lot more study. As the title implies, currently in second year of BE of civil engineering and I'm required to select a free elective for Sem2. I suggest taking 2-3 1000-level electives in the BCom to get an idea of which major you would to specialise in. Professor Bugden teaches some Sciology classes about climate change he is a super fun and cool prof I have loved the 2 classes I had with him Soc 332 and 337. Animal science 205, Dr Irlbeck is literally the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You will study core units that will provide foundational knowledge for studying science. Intro to Film Studies is quite easy if you are already interested in film and know a fair few directors and terminology. Each class has a course fee, but you definitely get your money's worth each class. Does anyone know any easy courses? Preferably a level one or two course, but any is fine with me. Contrary to what others have said, you can do as many OLES as you want. KRNS3675 is fine. Hi, just filling in Semester 2 2022 Subjects and was wondering if anyone knows any WAM Booster Electives from Table A?? Just looking for something to revive WAM :p. e. Juris Doctor students must complete 42 credit points of elective units of study comprising: (i) a maximum of 36 credit points of units of study from Part 1 Electives. Do electives which interest you. Plus most don’t have final exams and if you pick the right ones, some can be done within 1-3 weeks of your sem if not before if they show on canvas earlier. If you want to do an ICPU, you need to enrol in a shell unit for PHIL1012 Introductory Logic is one of the easiest electives at USYD. Wind Ensemble/Pep Band are tons of fun if you're musically inclined. Can you guys recommend me some easy and fun 1000-level elective units from Table S for sem 1. (iv) 6 credit points of 3000-level methodology units. dolphax0. A subreddit for all USYD current I'm a cs major and only have a couple of upper level classes and 8h of free electives left before I graduate, but nothing looks interesting so I figured I'd just go for easy. In about 80% of cases, they are only looking for evidence you studied a degree. Few assignments, you meet once per week, very hands-on, and fun! there's a music class on the Beatles. The other computing electives look awfully boring. Hey all, I am a Bsci(Health) and MN student in my 2nd year and I need help finding a 6cp elective from table a or table s. I'm doing my 4th year of Civil Eng. Most subjects are 6 credit points, and it's recommended you do 24 credit points per semester in order to graduate within the 4 years, but you can do less if you're feeling overwhelmed/have issues arise that prevent you from The University of Sydney I've got 1 finance subject left to complete my commerce degree and just wanna do something straightforward so I can focus on my thesis, I've done finc3400 as my first elective. Does anyone have any recommendations for easy & fun electives? Preferably with classes in Monday (after 3 pm), Wednesday, or Thursday evening (after 1 pm for both these days). Hi everyone, Hope you are all enjoying your holidays and just a heads up this post is a bit of a worried rant. STEM/Business electives. I am aiming for anything sociable and a break from the norm. I'm interested in ARTS1010 because I love writing in almost any form, but I'm afraid it'll be difficult for someone who's not a native speaker (I'm an international student. Easy Fun Courses for Semester 1 I'm from the US and I'll be studying abroad in the spring. You will complete a program in psychology and additional If you do a year of full time study they won’t count your ATAR and will only look at your uni results. For my first term I will be taking PSYC1001 and PSYC1023, but I need another offline free elective. Thanks a lot! Your degree has a hard total (144 credit points for the BCom and 192 cps for the BCom/Advanced Studies). Yes you can graduate with by taking HASS as free elective, however, you should really be trying to use them to develop a concentration. I did 2 years back, well taken unit. Anyone know any easy/low workload finance electives offered in second semester? I've heard finc3014 is pretty straightforward, can anyone vouch for it? Cheers! FINC3014 Choosing electives. I'm open to learning about anything. Look at this list, to see whether the specific maths unit is in Table S. (You might have already figured that out from pre requisites) Working backwards from that means you need second year analysis, algebra and calculus (vector calc and diff eqns) Feb 2, 2022 路 These services are offered to outpatients, and priority access can be arranged through the USyd SLOs. . Recommend me some easy electives! Preferably with no final exam. • 10 yr. what is easy then is no longer necessary true now. there are other easy electives you can take instead, take something you are interested in. Completing wood projects is a skill, but it also encourages creativity. Tbh idk if there's any subject you can just prep for in one day. Or second year even if there is no prerequisite or the continuing of your previous chosen elective. Thinking about changing one of my electives to another one to make my schedule less spread out. and am rethinking my current subject choices (namely CIVL5458) and instead thinking of taking advantage of the opportunity to do a free elective. Electives have changed since 2018-2019 and the syllabus has changed. Thanks! Hey all, I transferred to BCST at USYD from my first year of Computing at UWS (yeah, I know. 1. kristianstupid. Dont fully remember the first one, but the two after revolved around creating a short advertisement animation. Then use past unit outlines to filter down based on the types of assessments you might expect. You will complete a major from the Arts But it will count as an elective. LNGS1002 (Language and Social Context)! when I did it, assessments were mostly short problem sets with low weighting and there were no essays :) it’s also a fantastic unit in terms of teaching quality and engaging content! For generic electives: I liked doing DESN1001 Design Theory and Culture (sem2), and ARHT1002 Shock of the Now: Global Art since 1900 (except might be bad if you dont like doing essays), and the sem1 art history is probably the same. LMK if anyone has done anything like those too! Chess (SLL-199) is pretty fun if you’re into that. Less than a year and they will still judge by the ATAR. E. Doing algorithms & complexity advanced, distributed systems, and I want to do the special project 2B. You have to find them by going though the schools and see which none D-clearance classes are open and appeal to you. It’s great for kids to learn how to work with their hands. The University of Sydney offers elective placements for inbound elective applicants Hey guys! In semester 2 of my second year of comp sci. Visual Art Elective 1: 6: N CAVA1001 or CAVA1002 or CASF1001 or CASF1002: CAVA1004 Visual Art Elective 2: 6: P CAVA1003 N CAVA1001 or CAVA1002 or CASF1001 or CASF1002: CAEL1001 Contemporary Drawing: Experimental: 6: N CADR1006: CAEL1002 Contemporary Drawing: The Figure: 6: N CADR1005: CAEL2039 Screen Arts: an Introduction: 6 BDesComp/BAdvStudies is a 4 year degree which means you need to complete 192 credit points to complete the double degree. Discover the best things to do in Porto Alegre, Brazil, with Tripadvisor's guide to the city's attractions. Thanks. Jul 5, 2021 路 Years ago, woodshop was one of the most popular electives in high school, especially for boys. I’m happy at USYD and having been at 3 unis and honestly they’re all good in their own way. One thing I can say though is stay away from PSYC1001 馃あ. Forensic biology was really cool! It was an easier class and you get to learn about how to analyze crime scenes. r/UIUC. My friends also seemed to find the music elective and critical thinking fun if you are into that. Those are shell units for an ICPU. There's also a scuba diving course (idk if it's offered in the fall tho). INFS1000, MKTG1001, SIEN1000 etc. It was honestly a really interesting elective and although there are still readings, the main texts for each week are films (so getting to watch a diverse range of films for a semester is great fun). Book your tickets online and read reviews from other What are the easiest electives for a science major? I'm doing a bachelor of science in pysch and advanced studies and wondering the easiest electives to take? (ones that offer the remote option too) Heard the introductory logic class for philosophy is a piece of piss. Ok, got it. If you’re looking for other easy electives: SCLG1001 or 1002 are easy and involve a lot of writing, thinking, etc. Bachelor of Project Management (major only) Bachelor of Psychology (minor only) Bachelor of Psychology Honours (minor only) Bachelor of Science. Electives are also almost always 6 cp and OLE's are almost always 2 cp. ADMIN MOD. It’s fairly self-directed and you have all the freedom to choose your form and topic. The University of Sydney (USYD): USYD is one of the top universities in Australia and is ranked in the top 40 universities in the world. How about you help someone rather then directing them to some outdated post? We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Any first year language subject. Rumour has it that philosophy of science (HSPC 2101/2901) is a bit of a giggle. My advice is that if a law degree is your dream In 95% of fields and industries, nobody looks at your subjects, they look at the university and perhaps your WAM. they are all old and outdated. 24K subscribers in the usyd community. classes with the “R” registration code that are open to anyone. But I would recommend just going through the Tables of units and writing down anything that stands out as interesting and/or that plays into your strengths. For other electives, if you liked learning about debt/bonds in FINC2012 then i would suggest doing FINC3019 Fixed income although this subject can be really mathsy, if you're the type that doesn't make silly mistakes then you'll do well in this unit. I know that there are probably no electives like that at KSU, but I am willing to see what you guys might reccomend! 8. You'll just need to check that it works with your degree — student exchange is open to most students, but not all. Search the multiple previous posts on this subreddit on the topic of WAM boosters. USYD is good for humanities like politics, English and American Studies, but MQ is excellent for business degrees. Overview. You can take as many electives as you like from across the university, provided you meet the requirements of your degree, and you can fit them in. 8. Any suggestions for a fun and relatively easy 2000 class subject, as only 2000+ subjects are counted in HWAM. Select domestic/international, start year and view your saved courses from this panel. No way I could catch up with all readings if I did 4 units. History of Jazz was a fascinating three credits I took one Summer School. I do think the Usyd law is elitist. I have looked in on seeing if there are any archery classes or anything more skill-related and have only found classes relating to business or public speaking. I've already done a few easy electives like phil1012 and I need 4 . You are supposed the use electives to fill up your cp to 144/192/240 cp (depending on the length of your degree) after you've accounted for all Free electives. There are post-grad programs you can do after finishing this degree, like teaching, orthoptics (UTS), radiography, but plenty of other post-grad health programs require pre-requisite subjects that BmedSci doesn't actually provide. So just email me ( travismartin@uvic. I’m interested in pretty much everything apart from pure sciences (physics/bio/chem) but am particularly interested in music Browse USYD subjects areas: Business subjects Arts subjects Health subjects Education subjects Law subjects Science subjects IT subjects Engineering subjects Creative subjects Architecture & building subjects I'm looking for 2000 units with more flexible prerequisites to fill up my degree since I can't enrol in anymore 1000 units. The University of Sydney. • 2 yr. 9515 9040 Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia (RDVSA) Provide 24/7 phone and online The University of Sydney is Australia's oldest university and remains one of its most prestigious. Easy electives to boost wam. Students undertaking a combined Bachelor of Advanced Studies must also complete a second major from Table S or Table A of their first degree. Unit of study. Jun 21, 2009 路 mktg1001. This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. For example if you are in the Bachelor of Commerce, the rules are here . Find a course. I am a 3rd year advanced computing student dsci major student and would like to do a unit involving more programming (can be python or R) and is considered a relatively lower workload unit and/or taught well. Anime, with a focus on Miyazaki with Gossin and Hairston, but I dont know how frequently they do the anime class. So I’m first year and realised I didn’t plan my degree the I’m a first year economics and adv studies student (majoring in economics and econometrics) and I’m looking for recommendations for economic elective units. ca) and the prereqs can be waived. Beers of the World: 0621-508. ew. Students also have access to electives listed in Table S. We recognise and pay respect to the Elders and communities - past, present, and emerging - of the lands that the University of Sydney's campuses stand on. Students who have not completed HSC Biology (or equivalent) are strongly advised to take the Biology Bridging Course (offered 5 days ago 路 There are different components that make up the structure of courses at the University. Good/easy 4000-level elective units. If you still have space left (after counting all core units + these two above categories) you can take any 1st year electives as you like. Explore the stunning Porto Alegre Cathedral, the lively Public Market, the scenic Guaiba Lake, and more. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Champaign-Urbana area. What are some fun electives for a comp sci major to do? They don't necessarily have to be from the school of comp sci! Any help appreciated. You will study a core foundational unit which will orient you towards studying the arts, humanities and social sciences. They're all only 2 credits each, but they're all fun and relatively easy classes. If you enjoy essay writing and arts then ANHS1600 is a unit I'd recommend. g. The Bachelor of Arts is a liberal studies degree that allows you to hone your analytical skills, think independently, and form and articulate judgements based on argument and evidence. For example if you want to do work in robotics, you should be taking as many robotics relevant courses as possible in your free electives. Sort by: Add a Comment. •. I've heard good things about Introduction to Film Studies (apparently it's heaps fun) but I haven't taken it myself so I can't officially recommend it. Table S (or the 'shared pool') lists majors, minors, and electives available to all students undertaking a liberal studies degree and selected other degrees. Add a Comment. Really recommend edgu, the 2 quizzes are open book so you can literally have the lecture slides open during the quizzes. Reflecting on my first year of uni: Disappointed, and uncertain about the future. First year astronomy was pretty fun, got to use the telescope at midnight. dn xp ky ja cp oh ur es if ih